Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Searching for the Vikings on the Isle of Man

From Medievalists.net:
"The Vikings were not just the wanton marauders of popular portrayal, says a Longwood University medieval scholar who recently conducted archaeological research on the Isle of Man.

Dr. Larissa “Kat” Tracy examines a Viking-age stone monument on the Isle of Man.
“The exclusive image of rape, pillage and burning by the Vikings is probably inaccurate,” said Dr. Larissa “Kat” Tracy, associate professor of English.

Tracy spent a week photographing inscriptions on Viking-age stone monuments on the island between Great Britain and Ireland as part of a German-based research project on the ancient runic alphabet. What she found is that the Vikings, who raided and settled throughout Europe from the late eighth century through the 11th century, were perhaps more interested in winning the hearts and minds of the people they encountered than is often thought."

The full article may be read here.

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