Sunday, October 23, 2011

Can We Debunk the Myth of the Horned Helmeted Viking with the Discovery in Scotland?

"The fact that the burial site is undisturbed let`s us know this is just as it occurred one gloomy day more than 1,000 years ago. We have an actual Viking axe now, a sword, a spear, and a bronze ring pin. But where is his horned helmet and skull drinking vessel?"

Well written editorial which unfortunately refutes one myth while invoking a far worse one, namely that of the Nazis's glorification and nostalgia for the Northern Traditions. While Himmler's interests in magic and the occult did include the runes, Hitler is on record as having contempt for both Himmler's interests and the ancient ways of  Northern Europe, preferring to use the Roman Empire as a model for his Third Reich while claiming the ancient German and Nordic peoples "lived in mud huts." (Diana Paxson speaks more in depth about this specious relation between Nazism and the Northern Path in her "Essential Asatru.")  Still the editorial is well written and makes a step in the right direction of refuting stereotypes and myths about our ancestors, and may be found in full at the Student Operated Press.

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